воскресенье, 9 января 2011 г.


Mulgore has one of the best inns in the world, the customer service is just great, and their tasty meals are unforgettably delicious. The tauren make their home in Thunder Bluff, which every hordie must surely visit. It is a wonderful city. But Mulgore itself is also very beautiful, there is nothing special there to look at, besides its beautiful plains and mountains.
Mulgore is perfect for photographers, beacuse of its picturesque landscapes and vast, sunny and open areas

The Barrens

Now, ill take a look on the continent of Kalimdor aswell. The Barrens are a great place for travelers, especially Ratchet. The goblins there are extremely friendly, the water is warm, the sun is shinig, and the city is inside a beautiful bay, surrounded by mountains.
 But the inland area of the barrens is also worth visiting. The several, beatutiful oasis', mountains and giant thorns are a tourist's paradise. But whoever sets foot in that place, should watch their backs, raptors and lions roam the area, and also bloodthirsty centaur. But anyway, the Barrens are a great place to spend your holiday.
The border of The Barrens and Durotar
The mountains near Ratchet


I do not recommend Duskwood for tourists who want to relax, at all. You probably wish to just lie on the beach in a nice hotel and enjoy the sun. Well, sun is something you wont find in Duskwood. It is creepy in there, with a graveyard on every corner, and abandoned farms, with undead lurking in them.You can only feel safe in Darkshire, a little town in the northeastern area of the zone.  But the inn there is quite terrible, the customer service is the worst i have seen, while the rooms a filled with rats and spiders. Really, just south of Duskwood lies Stranglethorn Vale, better go there.
The road to Darkshire

Elwynn Forest

We all know Elwynn Forest for Stormwind. And i recommend visiting that great city for sure. But is there really anything else besides it to see in Elwynn? Well, you choose. You may love the beautiful, sunny forests and farms. And the village of Goldshire is surely worth visiting. It has a very nice, i would say 4 star inn. But i agree, if you are looking for action or something extraordinary, then Stormwind is the only place you can find that. Elwynn is for those who want to see a quiet life in the countryside.
Elwynn forest has quite a few beautiful waterfalls
And rivers...

A Tourists Guide To WoW

Hello there, my friends!

WoW has a vast and beautiful world for you to explore, with picturesque landscapes, cities, ruins and villages. Each one with a long and interestign history. So I decided to help all you tourists out with where to go, and where not to go.